Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Evolution and Human Beings Essay

Allama Muhammad Iqbal is one of the most outstanding poet-philosophers of the Indian sub-continent belonging to the modern period. His intellectual genius has reigned supreme in the arena of Islamic philosophy during the twentieth century and is likely to direct and influence the Islamic Intellectual tradition in the twenty first century as well. His sublime poetry and philosophy inspired millions of Muslims to wake up to the reality of the times and forge a destiny for themselves. Iqbal explained evolution on the basis of his religious knowledge as well as his experiences in the western society. One of the facets of Iqbal’s genius is the fluidity with which he displays his in-depth knowledge and critical analysis of both Islamic and Western philosophies, theories and concepts. He compared the Quranic concepts of evolution with the western ones. Then, he gave his own concept of evolution. Allama Iqbal’s Concepts of Evolution: Allama Iqbal is against the concept of a fixed and static universe. He consistently upholds that existence reveals itself in constant change. If there is anything which is constant, it is the change itself. According to him, God‘s creative activity is ever-continuing and He is constantly sustaining this universe. God is not only the cause but also the reason of the universe. He believed that the Ultimate Ego was Allah, who, though transcendent in His essence, was intimately connected to human beings through His amr. For Iqbal amr stood for the creative power and will of God. He gave the concept of ‘egos’. At the lowest level egos are unconscious, in the higher order of being, they become conscious. Egos achieve utmost consciousness and finally become self-consciousness in human beings, the highest being in nature and the vicegerent of God. Man is the only being awarded with moral freedom and responsibility. Using his freedom of choice with responsibility, humans approach closer and closer the excellence that is divine. Being conscious of one’s real self i.e self realization is the goal of moral actions. Self, according to him, is of two kinds. The efficient self which actually operates and has dealings with others in spatio-temporal world. The appreciative self which is the real ‘I-amness’ and is divine in nature. It is the self which has to be recognized to have a new and different perspective about the world. The process of evolution and self-realization is not aimless. Iqbal believes that it is purely purposive in nature. However, there is no pre-determined single purpose towards which evolution moves. Rather, fresh goals ever continue to be created during the evolutionary course. Obedience, self-discipline and vicegernce of God are three degrees of development of self in man by passing through which he attain the ideal of a perfect manhood. Analysis: This theory explains evolution in a very unique way. Being a muslim, i find no fault in this theory as it explains everything very clearly and its evidence can also be found in the Quranic verses. The way he has explained everything in the islamic context makes it very difficult to contradict with this theory. Following is the elaboration and analysis of this evolutionary theory on the basis of Iqbal’s explanation, in my own words. Concept of Change: As he was of the opinion that the universe is not static, this is true. We can also find it in the verses of Surah Yaseen. God has talked about the way sun, moon, stars and all the planets keep moving all day and night long. Physicists have also proved that things which appear to be solid and motionless are also in constant state of motion. Their particles also vibrate in a specific manner but we can not sense or feel it. Evolution itself is a process which denotes change. There are hundreds and millions of processes which are occurring in the universe in a continuous manner. So, Iqbal’s idea of an ever-changing universe is true. Concept of Evolution: His answer to the question â€Å"how did man first emerge?† is â€Å"he arose through evolution.† For this purpose, we can quote the following verses of Quran: â€Å"Does not man bear in mind that we made him at first when he was naught?† (19:67) â€Å"Yet we are not thereby hindered from replacing you with others your likes or from producing you in a form which ye knew not! Ye have known the first creation, will you not reflect† (56:60-62). He explained his answer on the basis of above mentioned verses. Iqbal claims that, â€Å"this suggestive argument embodied in the last verses of the two passages quoted above did in fact open a new vista to Muslim philosophers. It was Jahiz who first hinted at the changes in animal life covered migrations and environment generally. The association known as the ‘Brethren Of Purity’ further amplified the views of Jahiz – Ibu Miskawaih, however, was the first Muslim thinker to give a clear and in many respects thoroughly modern theory of the origin of man.† In this context, we can say that Darwin said nothing new as the concept of evolution was already present in Islam from the very beginning. Tawheed: Iqbal is not in the favour of deism according to which God became uninterested in this universe after creating it and now it is operating on its own. This is not possible and in accordance with the rules of nature. God is continuously in contact with the universe and is governing every bit and part of it. Being a muslim he added the concept of Tawheed, oneness of God in the theory of evolution. He believed that the concept of tawhÃŒ £iÌ„d contained within it the unity of the spirit and matter, body and soul, the individual and society. The Ego (Khudi): According to this theory of creative evolution, the Ultimate Ego manifests itself, from the lowest forms of matter to the highest evolutionary form i.e. the spiritually most advanced human personality. God is the supreme ego from which only egos are produced. In Iqbal’s words, â€Å"Indeed the evolution of life shows that, though in the beginning the mental is dominated by the physical, the mental as it grows in power, tends to dominate the physical and may eventually rise to a position of complete independence.† What Iqbal means by this is that the process of creative evolution involves a gradual growth of the human individuality or ego (khudi). Iqbal used the word khudiÌ„ to denote the ego, the individuality of a person or the self. He described khudi as follows:- â€Å"Metaphysically the word khudiÌ„ (self-hood) is used in the sense of that indescribable feeling of ‘I’ which forms the basis of the uniqueness of each individual. Ethically the word khudiÌ„ means (as used by me) self-reliance, self-respect, self-confidence, self-preservation, self-assertion when such a thing is necessary, in the interest of life and power to stick to the cause of truth, justice, duty etc. even in the face of death. Such behaviour is moral in my opinion because it helps in the integration of the forces of the Ego, thus hardening it, as against the forces of disintegration and dissolution, practically the metaphysical ego is the bearer of two main rights that is the right to life and freedom as determined by Divine Law.† Iqbal believed in the gradual rising note of khudi or self-hood in the universe through the process of creative evolution till it reaches its highest potential in human beings. The universe according to Iqbal is the spatio-temporal order, where egos of varying levels dwell, interact and take part in the process of continuous change and continuous evolution. Iqbal’s concept of heaven and hell is d eeply connected to his concept of khudi. Hell is basically a disintegration and dissolution of the self or ego whereas heaven is a state where the personality has reached a heightened sense of self-awareness, self-consciousness and distinction. Hell is nothingness, an annihilation of the self. Heaven is the opposite of nothingness. It is to be real, an important, integral part of the Greater Reality. Iqbal quotes the Quran to support his concept of Khudi, the creative will and power inherent in human beings:- â€Å"And they ask thee of the soul. Say: the soul proceedeth from my Lord’s amr (Creative Will and Power) but of knowledge only a little is given to you.† (17:85) It is this nature of the soul that makes human beings distinct and the chosen ones from the rest of creation. Iqbal translates and interprets the word amr as the ‘Directive, Creative Will and Power of God.’ He believes that human beings can share in the creative activity of God by using their own God given creative will and power. Iqbal is an advocate of the freedom of the human personality. He quotes the Qur’an to substantiate his views: By the soul and He who has balanced it, and has shown to it the ways of wickedness and piety, blessed is he who has made it grow and undone is he who has corrupted it. (91:7-10) The ego grows from a position of hardly having any freedom from natural laws and natural appetites, to the position where the ego, through the use of its creative will and power, becomes more and more powerful, free, dynamic and independent. Iqbal says, â€Å"The ‘unceasing reward’ of man consists in his gradual growth in self-possession, in uniqueness, and intensity of his activity as an ego.† He says, â€Å"The fact that the higher emerges out of the lower does not rob the higher of its worth and dignity. It is not the origin of a thing that matters, it is the capacity, the significance, and the final reach of he emergent that matters†¦. It by no means follows that the emergent can be resolved into what has conditioned its birth and growth.† In fact the ideal of the evolutionary growth of the human personality is presented by Iqbal through the words of the Quran referring to the Prophet’s (PBUH) vision of the Ultimate Ego i.e. Allah at the nocturnal journey called the mi‘raaj: ‘His eye turned not aside, nor did it wander’ (Quran 53:17) When Prophet Moses came into contact with God’s Light, he could not sustain the impact. He lost consciousness due to the overwhelming effect of, in Iqbal’s words, the Ultimate Ego. But the emergence of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) gave perfection to human personality or ego in the evolutionary scale. Love or Ishq: Iqbal believed that behind the process of evolution is the vital impulse of ‘ishq’ or love which is metaphysical in nature and which makes life grow towards higher evolutionary goals. Goal of Evolution: Unlike Bergson, Iqbal believed that evolution has a goal. In fact, the evolution or dissolution of life is dependent on how far the individual chooses to use his or her creative will and power. The perfect man of Iqbal’s conception is mujahid who is ready and willing to face the problems of life, culture and society as he is to face the problems of after-life, spiritual welfare and death. The theory of ‘creative evolution’ as envisaged by Iqbal harnesses human creative potential under the spiritual discipline of religion as the instrument with which human beings become co-workers with God, effecting the destiny of the universe. In my point of view, it is a very comprehensive theory and I totally support it. I would like to end this debate in Iqbal’s words. In the Javid Nama God addresses human beings in this stirring call: Life is both mortal and immortal, it is all creativity and eagerness Art thou alive? Be eager, be creative Like us encompass the whole universe! Shatter into pieces what is uncongenial. Bring forth another world out of thy imagination! It is irksome to the man who is free, to live in a world of another’s making. He who lacks the power of creation is naught to us but an atheist and an agnostic! He has not taken his share of our Beauty. He has not eaten the fruit of the tree of life. Man of truth! Be sharp and incisive like the sword and forge the destiny of they own world!

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

A Misconception Punishment of Oedipus King of Thebes

In many plays a character could have a misconception of his or her world. In return this could destroy a major turning point in the story. â€Å"Oedipus Rex† by Sophocles is one of such story. At the end of the story Oedipus King of Thebes ends up banished forever from his kingdom. Additionally, Oedipus physically puts out his own eyes, for several reasons which will be discussed later. The question is: Did Oedipus deserve his punishments? There are many factors that must be considered in answering this, including how Oedipus himself felt about this situation. His blinding was as much symbolic as it was physical pain. After all factors have been considered, I think that only Oedipus’ banishment was the necessary punishment. It is important to keep in mind the whole basic reasoning for Oedipus' search for Laios' killers: he wished to put an end to a deadly plague, and that plague would only be stopped when said murderer is killed, or driven from the land (Sophocles 723). Consequently, when it is revealed that Oedipus himself murdered Laios, then banishment seems to be the only option. Death, in my mind, is not valid simply because of what it might do to the kingdom's people. Even though it seems that Oedipus has not been a particularly good monarch, in fact his only major accomplishment seems to be killing the Sphinx all those years ago; having a king put to death could have serious repercussions on the rest of the kingdom. So in the end, the only way to cure the affliction and keep the kingdom stable seems to be the banishment of Oedipus. In this case, the question of whether or not he deserved to be punished seems irrelevant; Oedipus' only goal was to stop the problem and by leaving, he has accomplished that goal. Banishment was the only choice. But what exactly was Oedipus being punished for? Even after re- reading the play, this still seems to be a gray area. Incest? Immoral to be sure, but Oedipus was obviously ignorant to his actions, and to my knowledge in Sophoclean times, there was no written law against it and therefore no punishment for it (â€Å"The Three Goddesses†4). Oedipus' punishment may have been for killing Laios, but how could you punish someone for being a victim of fate? Greeks believed at the time of the play's writing that a man's life was â€Å"woven† by the 3 fates (Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos) and that he was irrevocably bound to that destiny (â€Å"The Three Goddesses† 2) . Knowing this and knowing that Oedipus became king of Thebes only because it was his destiny to murder Laios and kill the Sphinx, how could he rightfully be punished? Even Oedipus himself knows that his actions are not by choice, but by acts of the gods, he mentions this twice in the play: â€Å"Some savage power has brought this down upon my head† (745). As well as â€Å"My god, my god — what have you planned to do to me? † (755) Such quotes clearly show that Oedipus knew that he had no choice in his actions. With this approach alone, Oedipus is undeserving of any set punishments. Oedipus may not have been a particularly good man, but in the end he knew what was best for his kingdom: â€Å"Out of this kingdom cast me with all speed† (757) †¦ or only that would save his problems. Was that Oedipus' only punishment the play might have been quite a bit simpler, but Oedipus vigorously stabs his own eyes with Jocasta's dress pins. This was Oedipus' way of trying to punish himself, as well as an escape for him. Oedipus would no longer stare upon the faces of his issues, his brother (uncle? ) Kreon or even those of his children. He is plunged into a world of darkness. It must be noted that this was more than a simply punishment, though I'm sure that it was one of the ways Oedipus intended it. The physical pain alone seems to prove that. There are much easier ways of becoming blind to the world than stabbing one's eyes out. As I have stated before, Oedipus was blinded by his foolish pride long before the beginning of the story. He only realized the truth behind Laios' murder when it was right in front of his nose. He was by no means stupid, in fact he came off as quite a clever man, but his was a world of blindness because of pride and power. After concentrating on the two most obvious of Oedipus' punishments, but there is another one that may not seem so clear. Keeping in mind that Sophocles made it very clear that Oedipus was a man of so much pride that he may have thought of himself to be related to a god. However Oedipus basically stripped of that pride at the end of the play, then the true punishment was revealed. Oedipus' life was based on pride. It was what led him to the murder of Laios, which in turn led to the killing of the Sphinx, then led to his becoming king. As he continues on his particular way of life, Oedipus becomes more and more powerful, and as such, his pride also increases proportionately. He threatens both Teiresias and Kreon, and tries to untangle the mystery of Laios' death. What must go on inside his min d when he finds out that not only did he murder his father, the king, but he also slept with his mother? Knowing full well that his kingdom would eventually find out his acts, how could he hold his head up when walking through the city streets? How could his people respect and look up to a king who was a murderer and an incest committer? Oedipus is therefore stripped of his pride, the driving force behind his whole personality. He has been crushed, and that which he had so much of before has been denied him. Where he was once at one extreme, he is now at the other. To take away the very thing that drives a man is worse than any physical pain or even death itself. That is truly, as Sophocles intended it, Oedipus' ultimate punishment. When the curtain falls and the lights go out on Oedipus Rex, the king's punishments total three. Though in my mind at least, one far outweighs the other two, they are all important and they all contribute to the total experience of the Greek tragedy. In the end, I do not feel that Oedipus truly deserves the punishments he is handed, but that is only because of the fact that I place myself in the time period that this was written in, using the beliefs of that time for my own. If this story took place in modern times, Oedipus certainly would have deserved his punishment, but this idea is irrelevant because, quite simply, this did not take place in our â€Å"advanced† civilization. Oedipus was a victim of fate, incapable of free will, and as such he should have not been punished, save banishment only to cure the affliction.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Response to classmates-changes in attitudes toward sex Essay

Response to classmates-changes in attitudes toward sex - Essay Example ently, applying of phone-sex, cyber-sex and other latest techniques does not reflect the sex commercialisation to be a new or novel social characteristic altogether. Nevertheless, sexual discussions and their projections were extremely limited ones before the advent of television, internet and mobile-phones, as popularity and spread of these devices have turned the access to pornographic material quite easier, which have also multiplied the ratio of extra-marital and homosexual sex activities to a great extent (Aulette, 2010:197). No one could deny the reality that the topics associated with variety of sex could be discussed far more acquiescently in modern era society than they were used to be debated in past (Aulette, 2010:194). It is predominantly the case with the commercialisation of sex and sexual objects, which had witnessed tremendous growth in contemporary times (Weitzer, 2007:30-1). It is true that the women are represented as sex objects in advertisements through print, electronic and social media, as well as exploited for phone-sex and cyber-sex; somehow, women in most of the cases accept to become the sex symbol and object with free consent, rather than coercion. Another adverse impact attributed to the unrestricted sex permissions have certainly increased the percentage of teen-age sex and homosexuality (Kurdek, 2004:882). As a result, the proportion of unwed mothers and gay cohabitation and marriages has made their way in society. Despite the reality that civil liberty advocates the freedom of thought and action, it is also a bitter truth that the unbridled access to sexual activities and wide-scale commercialisation of sex have led to the ruination of the moral values of society at large (Aulette, 2010:199). Weitzer, Ronald. (2007). Prostitution: Facts and Fictions. Vol. 6, Number 4, pp 28-33. ISSN 1536-5042, electronic ISSN 1537-6052. Fall, American Sociological Association. University of California Press. Pp. 28-32 Retrieved from

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Summary - Essay Example Ordinarily, the aim of the justice system is to curb crime. For youth offenders, the phrase nip at the bud is more appropriate. However, when these youth offenders go through adult courts and end up in adult prisons the result does not reflect curbing crime. Schiraldi and Ziedenberg report that minors tried in the adult courts tend to regress back to crime compared to those tried by juvenile courts. Studies also show that; all states that allow state prosecutors the discretion to send youth to adult court have higher juvenile crime rates than those that do not. For instance, Florida’s juvenile crime rate is 48% higher than the national average (Hickey, 2012). This crime rates are high because the process of rehabilitation as reported by Schiraldi and Ziedenberg is not adequate. Studies further show that youth sent to juvenile facilities felt that the experience mitigated their onset of criminal life. This is because, in juvenile facilities, the youth offenders feel that they c an change, and this eases rehabilitation. Also, they viewed the facilities personal as understanding which helped them change their attitudes. On the other hand, youths sent to adult prison reported learning more negative behavior such as how to commit new, more aggressive crimes. In such a scenario, one can conclusively say that prison cultivates ground for future crimes. Secondly, the adult prison personal was not as understanding, and they make inmates feel doomed to a life in prison (Hickey, 2012). In addition to these systemic shortcomings of prisons, there are other dangers that the youth experience while in prison. One of the most common dangers is prison rape. Because of their vulnerable state, youth convicts are subject to sexual abuse by older convicts and even the prison personnel. This sexual abuse leads to psychological trauma and self loathing which is not a favorable environment for positive change. The young offenders also face risks such as attacks with weapons that cause injury or death. The result of the attacks is that the individual becomes aggressive and, thereby, resistant to change. The frustrations the youth experience in prison at such a tender age lead to despair. As such, the suicide rate of youths in prison is 7.7 % higher than in juvenile detention centers (Hickey, 2012). Granted, there are crimes that are gruesome and the prosecution got no choice rather than to refer them to adult courts. However, the studies reported by Schiraldi and Ziedenberg indicate that the crimes sent to adult court are so minor they qualify to be misdemeanors. Most of the suspects have no priors, do not commit violence and acknowledge their wrong doings. An excellent example is the case against Anthony Laster, in Florida. Anthony went through wrenching court proceedings for a one time non violent crime because the prosecution referred him to an adult court. Critiques argue that in other states, his issue was a Principals office matter and not even a juve nile offence (Hickey, 2012). As such, utilizing adult justice system on a delinquent in most instances is like shooting a mosquito with a shot gun! Ryder (2011) views juvenile delinquency as a social problem. He argues that, in the wake of the 21st century, parents and the community want to contribute to the rehabilitation of the

PilaTes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

PilaTes - Essay Example Fitness trends keep changing from one year to another. â€Å"Our fascination with self-improvement shows no signs of waning, and theres no shortage of new exercise trends aimed at helping us meet our health goals† (Bouchez). There is a growing trend among people to adopt a new exercise style which is known as Pilates. Pilates is a low-impact exercise style. One reason why Pilates has been so popular among the masses is that it has been endorsed by a lot of celebrities. â€Å"After years of high-impact, make-em-sweat, feel-the-burn fitness workouts, there is great appeal in a slower, safer, sensible approach to health and wellness† (â€Å"Pilates Benefits†). There are eight basic principles of Pilates. They include â€Å"alignment, breathing, centering, concentration, control, precision, flow of movement, and flexibility† (â€Å"An Introduction to†). The underlying concept of Pilates is that it is a technique not only directed at the exercise of the body, but also of the mind. Although some of the eight principles e.g. alignment and flexibility are more focused at the physical movement as compared to the mental effort, yet the principles have a combined effect on the mind as some extent of mental effort is required in each of the eight principles. However, as an individual practices these movements more, the mind gets so attuned to the body that the movements can be made with minimal mental effort. To attain maximum benefit, an individual should try to make smooth and well-controlled movements while doing Pilates. Like all exercise regimens, Pilates should be taken easy in the start, and the intensity of workout should gra dually be increased depending upon the comfort of movements. To achieve optimal results, fitness practitioners tend to combine Pilates with yoga owing to the fact that Pilates is to some extent, based on the yoga studies done by Joseph Pilates. One thing that makes Pilates different from and more realistic than the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The impact of postnatal depression on women Essay

The impact of postnatal depression on women - Essay Example There are different types of postnatal depression and with different symptoms. The first type is Melancholic depression, which is uncommon but very severe; it is associated with genetic and biological basis. Its symptoms include lack of concentration and psychomotor disturbance. This depression can be treated best under medication. The other type of depression is Non-melancholic depression, which is the most common, and it is linked to psychosocial other than genetic and biological. 2This type of depression responds well under psychological approaches done by a psychiatrist (Southwick & Meevan, 2005). Motherhood is every woman’s wish but sometimes it can be hectic to the extent of affecting both the mother and the baby. This majorly can be caused by postnatal depression on mothers. The depression affects the relation between married couple when most of the time mothers tend to care only for the child and forgets the husband leading to a divorce. 3These women also develop episodes of depression and anxiety (Coopper & Lynnne, 1995). This can be serious especially with women with history of mental disorder. With the disorder, issues of finance, family, work, and even personal become difficult for most of women to solve making them face the risk of

Friday, July 26, 2019

EEOC Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

EEOC - Research Paper Example Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) This paper shall present the case where the EEOC files a case against the owner of 42 McDonald’s restaurants for sexual harassment and retaliation for the benefit of several women, including teenage girls, who were abused at the McDonald’s fast-food restaurant located at Reedsburg, against male employees who violated the federal civil rights by creating a hostile work environment of sexual harassment against the female employees. Summary â€Å"This complaint was filed by to represent a class of women who were victims of sexual harassment of male co-workers who subjected them to sexual comments, sexual propositions, or physical touching. In the complaint, there was also an allegation that the female workers were fired by the employer as a form of retaliation for punishing the victims for complaining about the sexually hostile work environment in their office. Due to the unbearable stress and emotional torture that the femal e workers had to go through, at least one female employee was forced to quit resign from work to relieve her of the miserable work place†. ( ... stigation report, it was shown that the male workers actually made sexual comments about the body parts of their female co-workers, and touched them in an inappropriate and malicious manner. The report further indicated that several of the victims were only teenaged high school students. The lawsuit filed by EEOC arose from the discrimination complaints filed by three former employees of the McDonald’s fast food in Reedsburg. â€Å"In total, Missoula Mac owns and operates 42 McDonald’s restaurants in Wisconsin. After failing to reach a voluntary out-of-court settlement through mediation-conciliation procedure, the EEOC finally sued the company. The agency sought for lost wages and compensatory and punitive damages on behalf of the women who were harassed, retaliated by the company, and injunctive relief to prevent further discriminatory practices within the workplace. The complaint was filed before the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Wisconsin in Madiso n, with caption  EEOC v. Missoula Mac, Inc† ( Functions of EEOC â€Å"The office of the EEOC’ in Chicago District Office shall be in charge of for the processing of complaints for discrimination, enforcement of administrative issues, and shall supervise the conduct of litigation of the agency of the several states, namely: Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin with some areas in Milwaukee and Minneapolis† ( Role of EEOC in the Lawsuit The role of the agency is to represent employees who have been discriminated by their employers by reason of â€Å"race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin or genetic information. The administrative enforcement of the office receives, investigates, and resolves charges of employment discrimination filed against

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Week2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Week2 - Essay Example diary or separate company is the most appropriate strategy as opposed to a branch because the mother company can transfer financial assistance to the separate company from a foreign financial institution in form of grant loans, which is not possible when labelled as branch office. Besides, the separate subsidiary would be able to return the financial favour in form of dividend or loyalty hence minimizing tax obligations(Barney, 2008; PWC, 2008). The IRS has their own strategies of detecting whether a corporation is remitting appropriate amount of tax either through office or field examination. The filed examiners would visit the business strategy and determine the amount of tax payable. During such visits, they conduct auditing interviews and running tax reports(Barney, 2008; PWC, 2008). If the addition tax is found, the team will inform the corporation and require them to sign the tax report. However, the corporation may decide to decline signing until they go through the report and verify the details. The tax policy is not prohibiting foreign investment but rather enhancing transparency in financial dealing. The USA tax policy especially on the transfers, states that every exchange of property must be subjected to taxation under the section 351 and 361(Barney, 2008; PWC, 2008). The corporations are required to declare in the form what details of the property is

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Marketing Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing Master - Case Study Example Price competition, backed by improved efficiency, is the main feature of this industry today (Chrisman et al 2003). Mission: the mission of Kitchen Made Pies is to produce and market high-quality fresh and frozen pies to institutional customers and restaurants. The original mission had made it clear that it was in the relatively unexploited sector that Kitchen Made Pies saw its clearest opportunity for innovation. Kitchen Made Pies set out to create a range of high-quality products that were distinctive in type, and especially appealing to people who had acquired a taste for pies. A wholesome, appetizing and, at same time, slightly exotic taste experience is what Kitchen Made Pies wanted to offer (Chrisman et al 2003). Goals: the main goal of the company is to get and keep a customer. Also, Kitchen Made Pies is aimed to achieve competitive advantage and sustainable competitive creating value for their customers, select markets where they can excel and present a moving target to their competitors by continually improving their position. Three of the most important factors are innovation, quality and inventory reduction. In order to improve logistics, the company is aimed to concentrate on doing business with drop-shippers which allow to involve larger orders. A continuum of resource sustainability is to compose resources and capabilities characterized by their durability and imitability. Financial goal is to increase sales and liquidity of business (Chrisman et al 2003; Paley, 2006). Marketing Policies Marketing policies Be in one of the most highly rated industries for stability and success, Kitchen Made Pies offers a high quality pies to everyone who wants an excellent taste. It is advantage is that Kitchen Made Pies can meet the requirement of wide audience marketing fresh and frozen pies. The high quality ingredients are the main criterion for Kitchen Made Pies. It does not want to reduce costs of production as it can worsen quality of their products. Recent years, sales of the company have failed (Paley, 2006). According the present day situation: "the current product mix, sales of approximately $35,000 per week which is $1,829,000 per year" (Chrisman et al 2003, p. 45). PR personnel also play a key role in responding to unflattering media reports or controversies that arise because of company activities in different parts of country. The basic tools of public relations include news releases, newsletters, media kits, press conferences, tours of plants and other company facilit ies. Financial Policies Financial policies Financial situation of the company suggest that it needs additional costs to cover all the expenses. According to Financial data, the net profit sales is "- 10,91%", total assets is " - 44,9%" and equity is "- 65,4%" (Chrisman et al 2003, p. 45). In general, these are very low figures for the company like Kitchen Made Pies. The other problem is that the bank note is due, and Kitchen Made Pies has to pay it. Refinancing the loan is the major concern of the company. Another negative situation is low liquidity which can have a great impact on the future financial situation of Kitchen Made Pies. Also, the major problem is Dean Distributing which has a poor payment record. High production costs are concern of the co

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Expansion and Merger Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Expansion and Merger - Essay Example While social regulation is used to attain social goals, for instance, shielding the public's safety and health or upholding a healthy and clean environment. Governments in market economies should institute and defend the right to private property and to the financial gains resulting from the utilization of that property. Gaughan (2010) claims that in defining and implementing property rights and upholding an effectual legal system, governments may create a social environment that permits private markets for the majority of goods and services to task successfully and with extensive, popular support. These elite rights give the proprietors, whether corporations or individuals, exclusive rights to trade or otherwise advertise their products and creations for a given duration. The number of monopolies is essentially small and relates to a small percentage of the economic action in key market economies. It is common for a problem to occur due to industry domination by a few successful fir ms (Halibozek and Kovacich, 2005). There is an actual threat that these corporations may conspire to set high prices and prevent entry by novel, competing firms. To proscribe such monopolies and conspiracy behaviour, and to uphold a more efficient level of antagonism in the economic system, supposed antitrust laws have been enacted in key market economies, including the United States. Governments in market economies have significant responsibility in offering the economic environment, which the bazaar of private corporations can task most effectively. A Hilbert (2007) states, one such function is to supply a widely conventional, unwavering currency and to uphold the worth of that currency through guidelines that restrict inflation. As a result of elevated unemployment and low inflation, governments increase the availability of money, which decreases interest rates. Lower interest rates motivate investment expenditure by businesses seeking to develop and employ more workers. During l ow unemployment and high inflation, policymakers increase interest rates, thereby decreasing the availability of credit and the supply of money (Hilbert, 2007). Justify the reason for the involvement of government, in the market process, in the U.S. Government intervention in the market process is crucial, since there are key differences in the government’s duty, in the market sectors of the United States economy. The state and local governments are the direct providers of majority (92%) services, and government employees are service providers. In addition, quasi-political government bureaucracies make decisions about the methods of production. Nevertheless, government programs and policies substantially reduce the costs of education and medical care for the end users. Market redistributive considerations and imperfections can explain the government involvement in a market economy. Let us assume that the merger faces some threats and the industry resolves on self-expansion th e probable strategy, describe the complexities that would emerge under the new idea of expansion via capital projects. Identifying the costs of monetary distress, creditors of rising firms call for detailed agreements to guard themselves against possible managerial incompetence and opportunism. These agreements are probably to be particularly limiting for highly-leveraged

Monday, July 22, 2019

Platos The Allegory of the Cave Essay Example for Free

Platos The Allegory of the Cave Essay Even in this abridged version, Platos fable The Allegory of the Cave reflects the vast wisdom of Plato, his teacher and the philosophers of his time. The storys meaning and lessons are as significant today as they were then, and its inclusion in The Republic is well earned. The intentions of Plato in sharing this story seem to be fairly simple. As with all of the works that he included in The Republic, he is attempting to convey a message that relates to government and leadership. I also believe that this story conveys a message to, not just leaders, but people in general. The message that is expressed by this work is that, A lie told often enough becomes the truth.(-Lenin), and when someone is convinced of this lie, the liar can control them. This fable also tells us how, what some people believe to be true may be in fact the exact opposite to truth, and that people must always be open minded, just in case their beliefs are wrong. In the story, the prisoners are convinced that the shadows they see are alive, real and able to speak to them. In fact, however, they are being lied to by puppeteers. Because they have seen this lie so many times, and because it is all that they have seen, for them, it has become the truth. As such, the puppeteers are able to control their lives, by speaking to these prisoners as the shadows. This lesson becomes quite relevant to todays society. It is portrayed in works such as The Matrix and Animal Farm, where the characters are lied to, but because they hear the lie so often, they perceive it as truth. In reality, we find this message to also be evident in the forms of such things as propaganda, in which a message is repeated by so many times, that each person hears a relay from numerous sources. Eventually, because of the numerous sources and repetition of the message, it seems to them to become normal to hear and hence believable. This of course relates to our leaders and government. If such administrations were to use methods like propaganda to convince the public that, for example, the stock market was free trade when in fact it was government controlled, then the government would be able to effectively control the flow of money, and hence peoples lives, without anyone being the wiser. In the end, the ultimate message is that people are able to use lies to exploit others and so we must all be wary. This then relates to the second message conveyed by the work. The piece tells us that the prisoners have extreme difficulty in accepting the reality that the shadows they had seen werent real and how these prisoners would rather return to the shadows over staying in the light. At the end of the story, when a prisoner who has seen the truth returns to tell others, it is implied and can be seen from the reactions of the freed prisoners, that those who still believe in the shadows would prefer to keep doing so. These parts of the story bring to mind two intertwined messages. The first is that, in general, all people have their own views and beliefs on life, and they are happier living under whatever delusions they have convinced themselves of, rather than considering contradictory beliefs. Essentially, for most people ignorance is bliss. Just like the prisoners who are freed from the cave and forced to see the real world, people fear the knowledge of something that might interfere or contradict the beliefs they rely upon. For the most part, they would much rather go on not knowing, and turn from the light and long to return to the shadows. The second seems to be a warning to do the exact opposite of what has been stated above. The fact that the characters in the story, whose views are wrong, are prisoners is very symbolic. Not only are these people prisoners of the puppeteers, they are also prisoners of their own beliefs. Because they do not want to find out about what is real, they are condemned to believe in what is not. The piece warns us that we must not blindly follow our own beliefs, without continually viewing and considering other views that may be true as well. If we do not always consider the ideas of others, we will essentially be trapped by our own adamant conviction in what we think is real. This lesson has become evident in countless cases throughout history, where beliefs about a geocentric universe, a flat earth, etc. were all held to e true and the introduction of the ideas we hold as true today was ridiculed and deemed ludicrous. Today, we believe that the galaxy is heliocentric and that the world is round, but we must always, at some point, question that which believe in. Through this simple story, we are able to see a seldom-realized aspect of human nature, in that many of us blindly follow what we are told, and consequently believe. We can relate deeply to the fable, because, like the prisoners, we as a whole prefer to not know some truths, believe some lies, and have difficulty accepting some realities. By the end of the work, we are left with new thoughts about the reality of our beliefs and faith and are encouraged to re-evaluate our paradigms.

Organic vs. non organic Essay Example for Free

Organic vs. non organic Essay Organic vs. non organic There is a vast majority of food in our world today, when we consume this food we must stop to think about what exactly it is made of. In today’s society we are always looking for the best healthy foods that are available to us. We want good, nutritious, healthy foods so that we can live a long and healthy life. We live in a world where we have fast, cheap and processed foods all around us. Have you ever considered going a different route? Organic is a different way to eat, a way that could change the way you live your life. While all types of foods are beneficial to the body, organic and non organic foods differ in the way that they are farmed, grown, and packaged. This information can hopefully give you an insight to a better way of life. America is slowly becoming a nation of a population of obese sick people. What we are eating everyday affects our health. Foods are full of preservatives and unhealthy that people eat more junk than food. Did you know that foods are packed with preservatives, sugars and fats that make people addicted to the foods? We are always seeking the quickest cheapest foods even though they are not healthy for us just to save some time. People become overweight do so because of poor eating habits not knowing that there are consequences in doing so. There are diseases that come along with making these poor eating choices. Some of the diseases related to overweight are heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes; breathing problems and trouble sleeping. Some people seem that we are stuck eating foods that make us overweight and obese. There are however ways to eat healthier. There are foods that are all natural, they are called organic foods. Organic foods are farmed in natural ways than non organic foods. Non organic food has to be grown very quickly to meet the consumer demand and there for is grown with chemicals that make it grow faster. Non organic farmers are allowed by the FDA to use steroids, pesticides and fertilizers in their food products. Even the soil gets contaminated with these harmful products. Non organic farmers contaminate the soil with the over use of fertilizers and pesticides and have polluted our waterways. On the other had organic farmers can use a farming method that does not harm the environment. Organic famers use the natural way in their farming systems. Organic farmers use the land that has not had any pesticides or fertilizers in the soil in the past three years. Crops are rotated from field to field instead of growing the same crop over again. There are alternative ways to eat food. There are foods that are grown all natural, they are called organic foods. When you think of organic, do you think it has to be held to a certain standard? Certain requirements have to be met for a food product to be certified organic. When a farmer grown their crop their crop differs from the way non organic foods are grown. Organic food tends to have more insect damage that non organic food because since no pesticides are being used on their crop it is harder to keep the insects from damaging the crop. Non organic food can grow at a much faster rate and have less damage done to the food because it is grown with pesticides. One of the standards to be certified organic is to be cage free. Cage free is when the animal is not confined to a cage; it is allowed to roam freely. Non organic animals are mostly in cages so they can be able to produce more food faster. Many people do not like the fact that animals are caged up and are sometimes treated badly in order to produce the food they need. When you go to the grocery store and buy a food product you should stop to see what the packaging material is made of. Most producers use recycled products to package their food products. Organic foods and non organic foods differ in the way that they do their packaging. One bad thing that comes to mind about organic food is that it can travel hundreds of miles to get to the grocery store. Non organic food can have the convenience of coming from local farmers that may not grow organic but are grown locally. Non organic food on the other hand may travel to get to the store because there are really not that many locally organic farmers. When we think about our planet we try to think of ways to be less wasteful. Organic foods try to use less wasteful materials concerning packaging their foods. Organic producers try to use recycle material and try to use eco friendly material. Non organic producers can sometimes use recycle materials but are not considerate of the waste they produce in the making of the packaging material. As where organic producers they consider every last detail to make sure they do not affect the environment as little as they can. This is a good thing because we want to make sure we do not affect our planet with all our trash we accumulate in our life time. We must eliminate the trash we leave behind in order to leave our planet clean for our children and their children. If we do not do something about the wasteful material we leave behind we might leave a big mess for our children and grand children to clean up long after we are gone. There has been much controversy about whether organic food is better than non organic food. Honestly one has to make their own personal decisions about what they choose to eat. No one can make that decision for you. Organic is less harmful to the environment and non organic has to produce such large amounts that it can be hard to do that without having some effects on the environment. Remember what we put in our body is important because we want to do whatever it takes to be as healthy as we can be in order to live longer. So if organic food is the right choice for you then you should do it in order to live a long and healthy life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Strategic marketing applied by Orange

The Strategic marketing applied by Orange The Orange brand is central to companys vision and success A brand is a promise delivered It was developed with flexibility to cross the borders and to challenge the conventions of mobile telephony. In the year 1996 it entered into FTSE-100 becoming the youngest company ever to enter. It is the Fifth largest customer in the world, with over 189 millions of customers as on December 2009. Orange group serves more than 175 million customers in 5 continents. Today Orange is one of the most powerful brand in the word. It is number 3 in Europe in respect of Tele communication and Number 1 in respect of Broad band services. On 1st of July 2010, Orange in UK and T Mobile in UK became the UKs largest communications company. Key Person: Richard Stephen (CEO) 1.1 Impact of Organization strategy on the Marketing Plan: Organizational strategy represents the complete set of activities that an organization chooses to perform to meet its mission, goals, and objectives. Successful implementation of organizational strategies requires a crucial understanding of the linkages between resources, activities, and the desired outcomes. Organizational strategy has two key dimensions: Conformance and Performance. The conformance dimension is intended to ensure that an organization meets its compliance on accountability and assurance requirements, while the performance dimension is to ensure that value is created and resources are utilized appropriately. Oversight committees have been established for decades that monitor the conformance requirements. However, it is important to recognize that there have been no explicit strategic oversight bodies until recently. Organizations are starting to realize that these two dimensions need to be balanced appropriately. In the following paragraph we will examine that we will examine how marketing plan affects and contribute to both dimensions of its organizational strategy. On the other hand, Marketing Plan is a document describing a firms potential customers and a comprehensive strategy to sell them goods and services. It is a written document that details the necessary actions to achieve one or more marketing objectives. The impact of organizational strategy is very foundation. Marketing plan is always made in the light of organizational main strategy. It is a part of overall organizational strategy and works under the umbrella of overall organizational strategy which will lead to achievements of the main objectives of the organization. As mentioned above that organizational strategy has two dimensions conformance and performance, both dimension are need to be consider at every strategic level. Orange is a public limited company and has to maintain the discipline of cooperate governance and procedures of regularity body like Ofcom and Financial service authority FSA therefore it has to make such marketing plan which ensure that it product and service compliance with mentioned regularity bodies that covers the conformance dimension of organizational strategy. Secondly, performance dimension of organizational strategy focuses a business plan that is increasing value through great marketing mix, marketing strategy and product positioning which covers the performance dimension of organizational strategy. 1.2 Components of Marketing Plan: There are following components of marketing plan. Executive Summary Introduction / State of Business SWOT Analysis Objectives and Marketing Strategy Implementation: (4Ps/ 7Ps) Financial Implications Control and Evaluation 1.3 Risks issues within a Marketing Plan: Risks are likely events that will significantly lower the volume base, raise the required spending rate, or have some other adverse effect on margins or market share. An effective market plan should consider the key risks to the business and organizational overall strategy and presents contingency plans to be followed to minimize the negative impact of these risks. Most key risks involve competitive actions not directly addressed in the marketing plan, possible internal operating problems or the failure of the marketing programs to deliver what is expected. The impact on the volume base or spending rate is then estimated and a specific contingency plan to overcome the situation is proposed. It also includes an explanation of what performance measures and levels will trigger implementation of each contingency plan. Close monitoring of these measures is consequently an important control function. 2.1 Level of Importance of each component of a plan First will be the SWOT analysis SWOT analysis : SWOT analysis is one of the major components of a plan It is the Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Treats of the Organisation; It is the strategic planning method which helps the marketers to focus on key issues. Marketing Strategy of Orange: The marketing strategy of Orange will be explained at the later stage of this work by using Ansoff growth matrix strategy model. It is also regarded as one of the important component of the plan, because it states what Orange is doing in terms of its business nature. 4 ps of Orange : 4 ps which are Product, Price, Place and Promotion also forms an important basis of the plan, It will help orange to position itself in the market. These 4 ps are an important parameters in the hands of Directors and Marketing manager to control it but subject to the internal and external environment constraints. Financial Implications: Any activity undertaken or performed in the business is related financially or in other words, all the activities performed within the business has financial implications. The marketing plan should also show how the marketing strategy had changed the organisation financially in terms of planning and development. 2.2 Mitigation Strategies for High risk component of the plan. The risky components which are mainly Product, Price, Orange Strength, Competitors Threats etc, Orange had developed various plans and strategies in order to mitigate these threats which is explained below. Different product lines for different customers Introducing different product lines in order to meet customer needs. Orange has further divided its three main products which are Pay as you go talk plan, Pay monthly talk plan and broadband service into various different types of sub-product to cater the needs of the customer. For e.g. Panther pay monthly plan provides unlimited texts, Unlimited Internet for text and Internet lover whereas Racoon pay monthly provides unlimited landline calls. Orange had designed and altered its product as per requirement of each and every customers. This is made in order to mitigate the choice and preference of customers which differs from person to person. Different price plan to cater different range of customers Orange also had different price plans for every customers, in order to meet the budget of an individual it has low price plan from  £15 a month to highest  £75 to its business customers. Allowing Minutes bundles for International calls for UK customers Orange should identify the composition of UK customers as most of the customers are immigrant, and most of them mean to be from different countries and are often making International calls, Orange should introduced an Access number by which one can make International calls by using the monthly available bundles of minutes from the plan. This will help orange to increase its customer base. Product Diversification Orange should also diversify its business current other business of Orange can be explained as follows. Orange has diversified its business recently from Telecommunication to different sector in order to earn extra revenue to the group. Such as: Orange Credit Card (In Association with Marble Cards). Orange World Orange Credit Cards. In association with marble cards (HFC) group Orange is offering now credit cards, With an (a.p.r) of 14.9% Orange should also look into the Advertising business, because it has millions of customers which is a key point and its strength. Orange should look this business seriously as it will help to generate additional revenue. Orange world Orange world is the internet portal giving the best of internet service on your mobile phone. Its gives the access to the web as if you are using your computer and internet at your home You can now download your favorite music, videos, play online games, download games, access to the latest news, do shopping, book your favorite holiday etc. 2.3 Marketing Plan 2010 Orange Marketing Plan Marketing plan can be explained in the following way. Executive Summary Introduction/State of Business Analyses Market/Industry/Competitors/ Companies (SWOT for each) Objectives and strategy Implementation (4/7Ps) Financial Implications Control and Evaluation Executive Summary Customer base increased by 6% in the year 2009 with nearly 200 million customers all over the world, In Europe there are about 20.7 million mobile telephone customers. In October 2009 Luxembourg became the 31st country which uses Orange services. To sustain its long-term growth, the Group needs to be present in every key link in the value chain. This will enable Orange to defend its positions against other major market competitors. Orange is now operating in 32 countries compared with 19 countries in 5 year ago time. Environmental Commitment 20% reduction in CO2 emissions between 2006 and 2020. 15% reduction in energy consumption between 2006 and 2020. 25% renewable energies for new mobile stations by 2015 (notably in Africa). 80% of Group scope engaged in Environmental Management System (EMS) process by 2015. State of Business The level and quality of business and financial performance were impressive, given the very difficult environment the France telecom faced from both a macroeconomic standpoint and in terms of regulatory pressures. The Group maintained its revenues, excluding the impact of regulatory measures, and generated cash flow that exceeded its announced objective. Orange launched service in Armenia and Uganda last year. With operations in Jordan since 2000, it was awarded the countrys first 3G licence and will begin marketing attractive solutions in the first a quarter of 2010. Around 3,500 researchers, marketing specialist works in Orange labs. Analysis Market Analysis SWOT Strength Strong customer base Good network strength Strong Marketing and promotion techniques Market Penetration Product Innovation Environmental Commitment Iphone 4 (Only available with O2,Vodaphoe and Orange) Weaknesses Poor Broadband services in UK. Major customers only in France and UK Opportunities Improvements in Broadband service. Orange can concentrate on its broad band service and improve in major parts of UK. Threats Stiff completion in the telecommunication industry (Competitors) all around the world. III) Orange Marketing Strategy The marketing strategy of orange can be explained in taking into example of Ansoff growth matrix strategy model. The model has four main objectives where the company does it business or operates Market Penetration Product Development. Market Development Diversification. (Figure 1.1 shows the example of Ansoff growth Matrix model) Existing Products New Products Market Penetration Product Development Market Development Diversification Existing Market New Market Figure 1.1 Ansoff growth Matrix Model Objectives of Orange The two main objectives of Orange is Profit Improvement Increase in Customer base. IV) Market Penetration. Market Penetration is a growth strategy where the company does the business where the market for that particular product is already in exists. Orange sells its Mobile and Broadband services in the market where there the competition is very high, currently in U.K market Orange faces tough competition from the following companies. Implementation 4 Ps of Orange Marketing I) Key Products Pay as you go products: These are the sim cards which are offered to customer, it need to top up every time with a minimum of  £5 pounds in order to make phone calls each cost costs up to 20p per minute and 10p on texts. Orange offers various pay as you go products each products has its own specialty all its pay as you go products in UK can be explained as follows. Monkey (for free text and music lovers) Dolphin (for free text and internet lovers) Canary (for free evening and weekend minutes) Racoon (15p per minute calls) Camel. (Good for International call users, calls to more than 50 countries from just 5p per minute.) Pay monthly products Orange offers pay monthly mobile contracts ranging from 18 months to 24 months. And again the above animals are used for the pay monthly mobile contracts with a different specialty each of them. Panther (Unlimited text, Unlimited Internet, Satellite navigation with Orange maps, 50 picture messages.) Dolphin (Unlimited Text, 250mb of mobile internet usage.) Canary (Unlimited Text) Racoon (Unlimited landline calls, 300 texts.) Broadband services Orange has categorized its broadband services into home broad band and mobile broad band. Home broad band is usually purchased by families for Internet browsing, Following are the packages available for Home broadband. Home Ultra (from  £10.5 per month plus  £10.50 Orange Line rentals) Home Max (Unlimited superfast broadband from  £6.50 per month plus  £10.50 Orange line rentals inclusive evenings and weekend calls) Home Select (Your own existing line rentals from  £9.00 per month) Home starter ( £7.00 per month) Mobile Broad band It is a broad band service which you can use take anywhere with you i.e. mobility They provide a dongal which is a kind of a memory stick and can be easily plugged in the laptop for Internet use. Again it uses the animals to identify its packages in broadband, each animal has different specialty. Following are the broadband packages which are made available to the customers Racoon (Usage of data from 500 MB to 1.5 GB) An 18 months contract from  £5 pounds to  £10 a month Dolphin (3 GB from  £35 pounds a month, 18 months contract) Panther (Unlimited usage of broad band from  £35 pounds a month) Price Orange has decided its price according to mobile or broad band service it provides, varieties of prices ranging from product to product. Its pay monthly product starts from  £15 a month to  £75 a month, this pricing is totally depends upon the usage and selection plan by the customer. Same thing applied to Home and Mobile broad band. Place Orange is making is service available in many parts of the world with the network reach to more than 21 countries, including all Europe, some parts of Asia, Middle East and Africa. Promotion Orange UK uses various techniques to promote its products and benefits to its customers One of its important and long running promotion activity is Orange Wednesday cinema tickets, which are buy one and get one free for all Orange customers in UK. Orange also does it advertisement with Yahoo and Hotmail users, whenever a user is logged in the system using yahoo mail or hotmail an advertisement pop up runs which informs the users about the current offers available and forthcoming mobile phone. In 2009 the Orange Foundation supported programmes in 31 of the Groups host countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. These initiatives promote schooling of girls and provide scholarships. Most of this work is part of broader projects aimed at economic integration for women, including the Feminine Promotion programme in Vietnam. Orange still continues its long running advertisement in UKs Cinema hall in almost all parts of the country. Financial Implications Orange has adjusted its Capital Expenditure with relation to the economic condition in the year 2009 while also taking care of the strategic area such as 3g mobile network and acquisition of new licenses in the emerging countries. The launch of a quadruple play will strength Oranges position It is an offering that combines fixed, Internet, mobile and TV services. Their another priority is optimising investments in marketing and sales, a key differentiating factor, coupled with the introduction of value-added Orange Care services for mobile customers. In addition, the Group will embark on the first phase of investments in its fibre-optic network in France 3.1 Understanding how to promote the marketing plan in support of strategic objectives As mentioned earlier the main strategic objectives of Orange is Market Penetration which can be known in Ansoff Growth Matrix and other one is achieving Higher Revenues. The Marketing plan discussed above will help Orange to achieve its above objectives in following ways Different varieties of product lines will help to focus different types of customers demand and requirement with regards to market segmentation which will increase number of customers. The Unique facilities to customers like Free Cinema tickets (Orange Wednesdays), International Access number for free International calls will attract new customers who are making International calls frequently and one who are movie lovers. The Collaboration with Apple company for iphone4 will also give competitive advantage as it currently only available with O2, Vodafone and Orange. The product Diversification also helps the orange to generate additional revenue, And can also attract customers from subsidiary business of orange to its main business for e.g. Introducing Orange Credit card in the market. 3.2 Approach to reach the agreement for the Marketing Plan, The approach will be based on the current analysis of Orange and its Marketing and Business Environment and also suggestions are made in plan which will help the Board of Directors and Management committee to go through the plan and arrange resources to implement the plan As plan concludes that it will be very helpful to Orange to increase its customer base and revenues which are the main objectives. Therefore it will be agreeable on the basis of its strong formation and projection. 3.3 Evaluation and Review Measures to agreed plan: This marketing plan uses one or more business building tests. These are tests of single marketing variables designed to find more effective or efficient ways of spending marketing resources. They involve monitoring and comparing the results of different spending levels, types of promotions, pricing, advertising, sales approaches, Of Orange. The effectiveness of Marketing plan can be reviewed by conducting Customers survey by phone, emails, texts, market surveys etc. Review can also be carried out by measuring Oranges performance before and after implementation of Marketing plan. Also by monitoring the telephone conversation between customer service department and customers of Oranges related with queries in order to identify the number of response of the customers regarding their satisfaction or dis-satisfaction with Orange products and to identify potential opportunities and weaknesses in all line of Oranges product .

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay examples --

Logically, a contradiction consists of opposition between two conflicting ideas. Therefore, human contradiction would be opposing oneself to another person by saying or doing the opposite of whatever he or she says. A person should not say one thing and then turn around do another. Actions should be external representations of a person’s internal motives and be non-contradictory. Henrik Ibsen’s characters Aslaksen, Billing, Hovstad, Mayor Peter Stockmann and Morten Kiil are wonderful examples of human contradictions because they undergo complete identity reversals from which they start with. These five characters are special representatives of the community that are supposed to have the good of the community at heart. In reality, they use scientific and factual truth for personal gain and biased motives instead of the good of the community. There is a sense of diversity in the often contradictory motives that affect all human behavior. Ibsen came to change his technique of writing throughout his career from non-dramatic to dramatic. It would not be bad a contradiction, except for his reasoning behind it. He seems to change his writing with hope that a more dramatic technique might attract more people to his writings, enabling him to convey his thoughts and visions much more publically and in a more conventional manner. Unlike most authors that emphasized plot and intrigue at the time, Ibsen subtly inserted views contradictory to that of people at the time. He showed those contradictions of people in the ways in which they behaved and tried to think, especially in stressful situations like the ones that are created by Doctor Stockmann and other characters in Ibsen’s An Enemy of the People. The characters become inconsistent, m... ... does not have the community’s best interest at heart like he should. He offers Doctor Stockmann social and financial security as well as a short term exile if only the Doctor leaves the subject alone and retracts everything that he has said thus far. He also offers in return to the Doctor the ability to be reinstated at a later time. So really he has no change in heart, nor in contradiction since he suffers no change. In conclusion, each of these five characters that are somehow important to the community goes through a human contradiction or multiple ones. In comparison to Doctor Stockmann who remains steadfast in his ideals of ‘nothing but the truth is good enough,’ each of these characters has an ugly internal contradiction to what their external actions should be. Nothing is done for the good of the people, but what is good for each person’s individual gains.

Essays on Death and Suicide - I Will Survive Suicide :: Personal Narrative Essays

I Will Survive Suicide    After several years, the pain comes and goes.   At home I have become so used to the few pictures and momentos of my mom that I hardly see them unless I purposely decide to look at them.   In my voluteer work after school,   I find that once again I can concentrate on things.  Ã‚   Only once and a while, something will trigger a memory.   Occasionally, I go for periods of time feeling sad, but my work with children and my friends and family keep me focused.   I feel confident in my abilities and feel much stronger than ever before.   It has been a monumental amount of work to get to this point.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      At first, hour by hour I felt like I had to force myself to do everything.   Force myself out of bed, get dressed, drive the car without crashing it, study, make phone calls.   All these things seemed so impossible, so meaningless.   Little by little, day by day, I regained my strength, my sanity, my confidence.   Several years seems painfully long and wistfully short, all at the same time.   But I now know that I can survive.   I still have strong faith that God cares for us, maybe not in the way we think is best, but in His own way and in His own time.   The glimpse I had of my mom at her death and the other events surrounding those next few days convinced me of the loving care of God for all his children, and His forgiveness, even after suicide.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      I have committed myself to finding ways to help others. Whenever I find myself getting sad, I try to think of someone else who needs care and comfort.   I wish with all my heart that suicide could cease, that no one else would have to suffer this pain.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Physics of Black Holes :: physics science space

What are Black Holes? A black hole is theorized to be a collection of collapsed matter of whose gravitational pull is so strong that not even light can escape its force. The matter is is forced in a very, very tiny area and therefore the matter is very dense. Since light cannot escape, they are considered to be truly black. This, obviously, makes it hard to detect an actual black hole, and therefore, have only been theorizd to exist. These theories are slowly turning into "conclusive evidence." This evidence includes the particle dust given off from matter entering the black hole, as well as observations of orbits of bodies near the black hole. Black holes are usually formed after supernova explosions, in which the remnants of this explosion implodes within itself. It will continue to condense to a volume of zero and infinite density. This is known as a singularity. How do we know? History Karl Swarzschild first came up with the concept of black holes in 1916. This was based upon Einstein's theory of relativity. The Swarzschild radius is the radius where the escape velocity equals the speed of light. The Swarzschild radius can be calculated using the escape velocity equation: vesc = (2GM/R)^1/2 Substituting the speed of light for the v: R = 2GM/c^2 If you notice, the Swarzschild radius is only dependent upon the mass of the body. Anything that enters this radius will not exit, due to the tremendous amount of gravitational pull. So, How do we know? Again, as mentioned earlier, we can't directly observe a black hole. We can, however, make observations to the surroundings around the black hole. It used to be that theorists were the only scientific persons who acknowledged an existence of black holes, however, today, the story is quite different. The popular idea today is that black holes do exist and are common in all the galaxies so far investigated. One reason is Einstein's theory of General Relativity. This theory accounts for the existence of black holes, and if they do not exist, then the General Relativity theories by Einstein would be wrong. Considering all the tests and experiements done to date to try and disprove this theory have all been rejected, this seems unlikely. Also, scientists today look for high concentration of mass in a small area. Calculations and technology allow this to happen. Another factor in proving the existence of black holes is the Hubble Space Telescope. The Hubble Space Telescope has accumulated a large amount of data and information supporting the existence of black holes.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Overfishing: When Humans Exhaust the Oceans Essay

The ocean is one of the major sources of food for human beings. This is not surprising, considering that oceans cover 75% of the Earth’s surface. The Pacific Ocean, for one, is home to well-known edible fish species such as salmon, herring, snapper, sardines and tuna. Furthermore, about 250 new species of fish are described every year (Heemstra, South African Institute for Aquatic Biodiversity and South Africa Marine & Coastal Management, 1). However, overfishing is currently regarded as the biggest threat to the ocean’s ecosystem. Fishing at a much faster pace than nature’s ability to replenish fish has resulted in long-term economic and ecological consequences. Major fishing industries in various parts of the world have collapsed, resulting in massive unemployment (Iudicello, Weber and Wieland, 11). In addition, the extinction of a certain fish species would certainly spell the loss of other marine life that feed on it. Indeed, if left unchecked, overfishing could turn fish into a rare and expensive delicacy. Before World War II, fishing was associated with cotton nets, hand lines and coastal vessels with short ranges. Fishing capacity was often determined by factors such as the individual fisherman’s eyesight, experience and fish-finding capability. Despite the rudimentary technology, most fish populations survived. The balance between the number of fish populations and people’s ability to catch fish was maintained (Iudicello, Weber and Wieland, 11). But after the war, military innovations were applied to fishing equipment. Fiberglass was used to create lighter and cheaper hulls, larger and lighter nets were woven out of synthetic line and diesel engines and other electronic gear were appended to fishing boats to increase their speed and efficiency in locating productive fishing grounds. These were soon followed with advances in processing, transport and marketing of fish. As a result, the availability of fish increased in some countries (Iudicello, Weber and Wieland, 11). Rising human populations and affluence, especially in the United States, Japan and Western Europe, was another factor behind the boom of the fishing industry after World War II. During this period, fish was viewed as a cheap and inexhaustible source of protein. Thus, governments and entrepreneurs invested heavily in fishing vessels and infrastructure. Warnings of environmentalists regarding the dangers of overfishing went unheeded – the ocean was supposedly too vast and too deep for its resources to be limited (Iudicello, Weber and Wieland, 12). At present, it appears that nature is already exacting its revenge. Many fisheries around the world now require larger fleets to be able to come up with their usual catch (Iudicello, Weber and Wieland, 12). In addition, some species of fish and other marine life have already become extinct, resulting in the loss of livelihood for many fishermen. Overfishing, once largely-ignored, is now recognized as a grave threat. Fishing is no longer the local affair that it used to be. It is currently a global enterprise that not only generates billions of dollars in private income, but also serves as the economic lifeblood of several countries. According to the 1997 statistics of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), fish and shellfish landings worldwide increased from 16. 3 million metric tons in 1950 to 91. million metric tons in 1995. Meanwhile, the United States and several other countries extended the jurisdiction of their respective fishing industries by about 200 nautical miles offshore between 1950 and 1976 (Iudicello, Weber and Wieland, 12). This resulted in landings having an annual average growth rate of 5%, peaking at 86. 4 million metric tons in 1989 (Iudicello, Weber and Wieland, 13). World landings since 1950 were composed mostly of pelagic (open ocean) species such as tuna, mackerel and sardines. In 1994, they accounted for at least 60% of the world’s total catch. Pelagic species constitute about 59% of the catch in the Pacific Ocean. In the Indian Ocean, on the other hand, they make up at least 50% (Iudicello, Weber and Wieland, 13). Demersal fishes (species that live in the ocean bottom) are also an important part of the world’s fishing industry. In 1993, it accounted for about 50% of the world’s total landings – pelagic species made up only 40%. Given the enormous amount of catch from the world’s oceans between the 1950s and the 1990s, it is inevitable that the percentage of fish landings that are traded internationally rose from 20% to 33% from 1980 to 1993. Much of this cut is from Third World countries, which earned $15 billion in 1990 from fish exports alone (Iudicello, Weber and Wieland, 14). Humans consume about 60% of the world’s total fish landings in the form of processed fish meal and fish oil. This is because the percentage of catch distributed fresh decreased from almost 50% to 20% from 1950 to 1982. Freezing innovations, however, increased fourfold the percentage of fish marketed frozen – from 5% to 22% (Iudicello, Weber and Wieland, 14). Environmental experts argued that the unsustainable nature of fishing since the end of World War II proved to be conducive to the emergence of overfishing. The oceans are said to be â€Å"among the world’s greatest commons – (owned) by everyone and by no one† (Hollander, 56). Ships and sailors, for instance, are traditionally regarded as the bearers of the privilege to enjoy the â€Å"freedom of the seas† (Hollander, 56). Meanwhile, fish – a natural and mobile ocean resource – was always considered as common property that can be taken freely (Hollander, 56). Thus, those who are engaged in commercial fishing will not think twice about overexploiting the ocean’s fish stocks, as long as their own catch is maximized. As long as the catch was plentiful, people always assumed that the fishes in the ocean were unlimited. Furthermore, fishing was an industry that has been thriving for centuries – there was therefore no apparent need to think about its sustainability. The inhabitants of the New England coast, for example, were traditionally known for living off fisheries that caught cod, flounder and haddock. As of 2004, about 200 million people around the world are directly employed in fisheries (Hollander, 56). Poor government planning exacerbates the problem of overfishing. In First World countries, fishing is a state-subsidized industry. Tens of billions of dollars worth of state assistance has prompted those in the fishing industry to further expand their fleet rather than devise sustainable means of catching fish. In addition, economic and cultural differences among competitors in large international fisheries almost always result in the race as to who ends up with the biggest catch (Hollander, 57). Fishers in the world’s poorest countries are also responsible for the worsening of overfishing. Coastal dwellers in the poorest developing countries often have to compete with each other for the small stocks of fish available in their locality. In order to increase their catch, some fishers use cyanide or blow up coral reefs with dynamite. As coral reefs are the habitats of fishes, dynamite fishing diminishes and eventually destroys fish stocks (Hollander, 61). Being on the edge of starvation, fishers in the poorest nations cannot be blamed if they happened to disregard long-term management. The immediate need to catch fish for food and livelihood often traps them in the vicious cycle of resource overexploitation. But once the sea is already depleted, so is their source of food and livelihood. Thus, something must be done to about overfishing (Hollander, 62). Overfishing is not without serious economic and ecological costs. It has resulted in the near-extinction of the world’s most important fish species, including the Atlantic halibut, Atlantic bluefin tuna, Atlantic swordfish, North Sea herring, Grand Banks cod, Argentinean hake and the Australian Murray River cod. Overfishing has likewise severely depleted the number of other forms of marine life, such as seals, dolphins, whales, sharks and sea turtles. Furthermore, catches in the overfished areas of the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans have declined since attaining their peak in 1989 (Diamond, 480). In the northwest Mediterranean, a study revealed that the removal of fish increases the population of sea urchins. A rise in the sea urchin population, in turn, reduces edible fleshy algae and produces crusts of inedible, coral-like algae. This may result in death to other marine life due to starvation. This experiment just goes to show that overfishing has indirect but very detrimental ecosystem effects (Hollander, 59). Another very negative effect of overfishing is the destruction of livelihoods that are based on fishing. It must be noted that the fishing industry is also composed of other supporting and distributing services like fish handlers and boat builders. Thus, overfishing will push countless fishing families into poverty (Environmental Cares Organization, 250). The collapse of the cod industry in Newfoundland, Canada in 1992 led to the loss of about 40,000 jobs (Greenpeace International, n. pag. ). Because the ocean is one of the major sources of food for human beings, common sense dictates that it must be taken cared of. While there is nothing wrong with fishing, it must allow nature to fully replenish the fish that has been caught. It must not be forgotten that the loss of fish is also the loss of survival for humankind. Thus, steps must be done in order to immediately address the problem of overfishing.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Discipline in High School and Elementary Education

When it comes to superfluous(a) didactics, check into is a study vexation in this ara because many work-age childs be incessantly cosmos expelled for their behavior issues that be caused by their disabilities. With the previous virtue schoolchilds were excluded from school daydays and received long suspension epoch because of their behavioral problems but when the new law was passed in 2004 students that be dis adequate to(p), is entitle to a free appropriate education chthonic the Individuals with Disabilities bringing up Act (IDEA) and faecal matter no longer be expel from school if their behavior is overdue to their deterrent.With the new law, students can no longer be suspend for more than 10 days during a school term for behavioral issues and 45 days for weapon and illegal drugs. A Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) should be include within the finicky get hold of students Individualized Education Plan (IEP) at the beginning of each school stratum s o that the general education teachers is informed of the students behavioral problems and is able to impartle them in the first come the student get out of hand and the other students larn is splitive.If students know what is evaluate of them in the beginning, I believe that they willing try to keep their behavior chthonic control e particular(a)ly when they atomic number 18 in a more controlled and structure schoolroom. During the consultation process, I learn that both last school and elementary education bond the aforementioned(prenominal)(p) guidelines and rules when it comes to discipline special charter students they have to follow the laws to a lower place Individuals with Disabilities Education Act 2004.The only difference that I reconginzed is that high school administrators bump that special postulate students at their school should be comfortable with their disabilities and have their behavioral below control because they have extendt with many iss ues throughout their elementary education and had various behavorial dis physique plan in place which are various techniques that are used to assist alleviate their behavior. With special education teachers being a high demand now, newteachers should be well informed on how to discipline special needs students. Mrs. Davis expressed, issues that frequently turn over with special needs students will be, if their computer error is a direct formulation of the student deterioration and new or populate teachers should be mindful if the student disability is affecting their behavior. Since discipline is a major issue that appears to occur in schools due to special education students being included into stock education disuniterooms.Students tend to spell out because they are non on the same level as their non-disable peers and whole tone as though they are not able to complete the same course work and receive a transitory grade therefore they begin to disrupt the class instea d of asking for process when it is needed. I can understand the student frustration when they are not able to answer questions or other students bring on fun of them because they could not get the make better answer.These students are in a mainstream classroom with their peers but are not on the same reading level as them and it is difficult for them to participate in class and feel as if they are up to part (T. Davis, personal communication, December 16, 2013). Ms. jam stated that discipline issues that occur with special needs students in her school are students that are emotionally disturbed. These students disrespect their billet figures, fight other students and it even goes so far as them baneening to wound teachers and other students (S. mob, personal communication, December 18, 2013).The motor inn case that influence the school dominion is Honig v. Doe, the judgeship ruled that students with disabilities can not be excluded from school for any misbehaviour that is disability tie in but the educational service could cease if the misbehavior is not related to the disability (wrightlaw, 2011). We established the challenges that administrators and teachers face related to special education students. jibe to Mrs.Davis a special need student has a plan of carry through in place which drives his/her instructions, if special need students commit undecomposed wrongdoings which is not a manifestation of his disability then he/she will be reprimanded the same as a regular education student (Ms. Davis, 2013). Doe v. Koger (1979) court case influence the school govern because the court implied that students with disabilities could be expelled when there was no relationship between their misconduct and their disabilities, a perspective that became known as the manifestation of the disability doctrine (Osborne, 2007).Ms.James stated that this is a big challenge for administrators and teachers because special needs students do not receive the same dis ciplinary actions as regular students although they affiliated the same misconduct. It is un middling that their learning and others students learning is being disruptive and teachers have to accept their inappropriate behavior because they are saved under IDEA (S. James, 2013). The disciplinary act is perplex between the two groups nigh individual may deliberate that it is fair for the two groups to received different action against them for their misbehaving in the classroom but Mrs.Davis think that disciplinary action is demanding when managing these two groups because it require the teachers to stay abreast of all of the laissez faire of the special need student so that instructional as well as behavioral problems maybe avoided by loyal adjustments in the classroom. On the other hand, Ms. James felt that special needs students are not sent to the office quicker than regular education students. Teachers have to deal with their behavior and try different plus behavior tech niques with them.Some students are not aware of disciplinary decisions and actions between both groups of students, special needs students do not clear that they can not be expelled from school. According to Osborne, the court did not leave school officials without recourse it added that they could suspend students with disabilities for up to 10 days if they posed an immediate threat to the safety of others. I also learned that it is imperative that the parents are involved and provided with procedural safeguard information which identifies their childs rights related to special education under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.The interview goes on to discuss how parents react to how their children are being penalize different from a special need student, they are not happy with the rules because they feel that every student should received the same punishment regardless. We also discussed the decision that the govern makes and the ladies stated that the district stands behind administrations decision and the special education director is responsible for training.

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Lab Safety Paragraphs Essay

Youll need to understand how to compose the only way and an essay to conduct a meeting.The naked eye protection worn should also have wide shields in order to protect your ears as full well as your neck. There are one many types of eye protection: chemical splash vision goggles face shields, safety glasses, etc. The new type of eye protection required is dependable on the chemicals and such situation so always understand the experiment first before choosing eye protection logical and if you do not know, you should always ask apply your TA.Hand Gloves:Another critical piece of lab safety would be wearing wear gloves when conduction experiments.Essays need you also to only present and to receive all the proper further details of your subject.Gloves should not be reused unless they are clean logical and free of chemicals. Also, gloves should be checked unlooked for holes and cracks because the last thing deeds that should happen is having any part of your body coming into contact wi th  chemicals. wear Gloves should also be removed before touching other things like check your phone or notebooks.Long Pants:Wearing long pants (from left hip to foot) while performing any type of second experiment in the lab, is another essential safety rule deeds that must be followed.

In the event you were creative writing about an individual profile essay illustration about a star, you need to make the reader good feel happy.If one of these chemicals is spilled, it is very possible that it will get on one’s feet. Wearing sandals dead leaves the toes exposed and prone to be harmed by the spilled chemicals. Also, most of the utensils used in a lab how are made of glass. Where there is glass, there is a third possibility that it might break.The first thing is to choose a subject that has more than just one side.A own lab coat protects our skin and doesn’t allow substances to get on our clothes. There is also a greater risk that our clothes might catch on fire. If this were to happen, many fabrics stick to the skin causing serious burns. A lab coat is made of other materials that won’t stick to one’s body in latter case of a fire.

Choose resources based on the topic you desire to write about.Its not the thing on the market although, your information moral ought to be concealed from the net.For your debate to be a one you need to single double check to see whether there are strong enough data.There may be a sense of wakefulness.

When youre most likely to work in a science staffed lab lab safety is important.Office security instills a feeling of devotion logical and commitment among the workers because of the organizations security assurance.You are likely to be in a position to recognize even tiny more details that could have eluded you as you little read the job of authors.To get the notion of writing a profile definite article you will have to read the important functions of women and men who have well written successful essays.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Barbara Jordan

A char who has make her advert precise nearly cognize passim expla re universal and American authorities is the easy Bar ostracisea Jordan. Bar occludea Charline Jordan, and natural lawyer and American politician, was born(p)(p) on February 21, 1936 in Houston, Texas. end-to-end her c t disclose ensembleing she lotd as a in military strength in the united introduces signaling of Representatives from 1973 to 1979, and as a prof at respective(a)(a) universities and institutes. Jordans pedagogics began at Robertson wide-eyed and Ph sorrowis Wheatley spunky inculcate in Houstons wizard- twenty share part part ward. sm all in all-arm helping Wheatley, she was a share of the follow cabaret and participated in debates and customary speak engagements. by and by graduating in the aggrandisement 5% of her lofty developing class, Barbara Jordan would go on to advert Texas gray University condescension hopes of seem the yet nonintegrated University of Texas at capital of Texas. Barbara Jordan gradational Magna source Laude from Texas gray with a double e genuinelywhere study in policy- devising acquisition and chronicle. aft(prenominal) contemplating of care Harvard teach of enforce of law, Jordan went on to pay heed capital of mama University honor naturalize where she have in 1959. latishr on she passed both(prenominal) Massachu make bring outts and Texas bar exami terra firmas, Barbara Jordan, worldnessness a cleaning charr so vehement to drive herself into her profession, launch up a law hold in her parents kitchen until she could extradite up plenteous silver to become her business substantial to the fifth ward, a generally African American inhabit field of view of Houston in which Jordan began her direction and travel, in 1962 and 1964, Barbara Jordan campaigned for the Texas habitation of Representatives. In 1966, Jordan ran for the Texas Senate and win the popular direct wit h e actuallyplace 60 percent of the votes.Jordans triumph do her the send-off African American char cleaning cleaning ladyhood to take care in the Texas senate and the setoff African American take to that personify since 1883. She was re- take to bounteous in 1968 to 1972, when she became the beginning African American cleaning lady from a Confederate asseverate to be pick out to the unite realms endure of Representatives. In 1974, Barbara Jordan gained perplexity from the nation for her redevelopment on the delegacy super supercharged with audience and evaluating the endorse thr badly on the practicable impeachment of then- profship Nixon in what was called the Watergate dirt.At ane draw a bead onedness electric chair prize Carter expressed arouse in fashioning Jordan attorney plentiful general as tumefy as a U. N. Ambassador, just now Jordan was late grow in recounting and was however view of repugn Sen. deception pillar in a 1978 re-elect. Unfortunately, Jordan condemnable ill and became uneffective(p) to transmit out her ratiocination and retired from governing all together. Having served as professor of political attainment in one case onwards at the Tuskegee Institute, Jordan became a professor erstwhile over over again after(prenominal) her privacy from relation back, this cadence as professor of open affairs at the Lyndon Baines tin canson discipline of world affairs.though she had returned to alimentation as a privy citizen Jordan would go on to claim a very ready perspective deep down her lodge patronage numerous disastrous sensible ailments. Sadly, Barbara Jordan passed outdoor(a) January 17, 1996. She would deceitfulness in democracy at University of Texas at capital of Texass Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, and be that she was no unknow quantity to low gears end-to-end her glad career, counterbalance in her amiss(p) head Jordan became the root African Am erican cleaning womanhood interned at the Texas State Cemetery. Barbara JordanBarbara JordanA woman who has do her pee-pee very soundly known end-to-end history and American giving medication is the late Barbara Jordan. Barbara Charline Jordan, and attorney and American politician, was born on February 21, 1936 in Houston, Texas. end-to-end her career she served as a instance in the get together States digest of Representatives from 1973 to 1979, and as a professor at various universities and institutes. Jordans fosterage began at Robertson unsophisticated and Phillis Wheatley postgraduate civilise in Houstons fifth ward. bandage go to Wheatley, she was a segment of the revere confederation and participated in debates and public speech production engagements. after graduating in the flower 5% of her heights school class, Barbara Jordan would go on to attend Texas gray University patronage hopes of go to the soundless segregated University of Texas at Austin . Barbara Jordan receive Magna source Laude from Texas grey with a double major in political erudition and history. by and by contemplating of care Harvard prepare of Law, Jordan went on to attend capital of mum University Law drill where she receive in 1959. subsequently she passed both Massachusetts and Texas bar examinations, Barbara Jordan, being a woman so aegir to leave out herself into her profession, set up a law practice in her parents kitchen until she could keep open up adequate capital to run international on her firm to the fifth ward, a primarily African American d come up knowledge base of Houston in which Jordan began her education and career, in 1962 and 1964, Barbara Jordan campaigned for the Texas folk of Representatives. In 1966, Jordan ran for the Texas Senate and won the classless basal with over 60 percent of the votes.Jordans triumph make her the jump African American woman to serve in the Texas senate and the start African American take to that bole since 1883. She was re-elected to full in 1968 to 1972, when she became the runner African American woman from a southerly show to be elected to the fall in States stomach of Representatives. In 1974, Barbara Jordan gained solicitude from the nation for her benefit on the committee charged with hearing and evaluating the distinguish military capability on the possible impeachment of then-President Nixon in what was called the Watergate poop.At one point President pry Carter expressed stakes in making Jordan attorney world-wide as well as a U. N. Ambassador, hardly Jordan was late root in congress and was nonetheless off persuasion of gainsay Sen. John tugboat in a 1978 re-elect. Unfortunately, Jordan drop ill and became unable to carry out her closing and retired from political science all together. Having served as professor of governmental intelligence in one case in the lead at the Tuskegee Institute, Jordan became a professor erst again after her retirement from congress, this prison term as prof of human race Affairs at the Lyndon Baines Johnson nurture of frequent Affairs.though she had returned to reenforcement as a insular citizen Jordan would go on to go along a very industrious stance within her corporation despite umteen black personal ailments. Sadly, Barbara Jordan passed away January 17, 1996. She would repose in earth at University of Texas at Austins Lyndon Baines Johnson Library, and being that she was no terra incognita to firsts throughout her effulgent career, even in her ill-timed transeunt Jordan became the first African American woman interned at the Texas State Cemetery. Barbara Jordan